a.k.a. "KATANA", "THE FIRST"

Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Age: 28
Height: 7'-2"
Born in the Azim Steppe
Raised in Limsa Lominsa
Profession: Blacksmith, Fisher, Mercenary, Entertainer
Personality: A people pleaser - A flirt when drunk - Serious when it comes to things that he wants - Protective of his loved ones - Empathetic and likes to help

a.k.a. "KATANA", "THE FIRST"

Early Life

When the man known as Raffin's true father came to Othard, he made his way to the Azim Steppe. The man known only as Barqz came to trade in the small town of Reunion. While he was selling his goods, he caught the eyes and attention of a Qalli woman named Yesuntei Qalli. Barqz fell madly in love with Yesuntei and as is custom with the Qalli of the Steppe, she seduced him with her song. After some time, Barqz was ordered to appear before the Khagan of the Oronir. After much debate, Barqz was banished from the Steppe and though her lover left her, Yesuntei eventually would have a son named Tayang.Tayang would grow up in a tribe shunned by the elders, avoided by the adults and laughed at by the children as he referred to as an outsider. In time, his mother would grow to resent that she fell in love with the man Barqz. When it became known that Tayang was Barqz child, once more the Khagan of the Oronir summoned Yesuntei and the young Tayang. Tayang was brought before the Khagan who simply ordered that this impure child be put to the sword or banished from the Steppe forever. While everyone favored putting Tayang to the sword, the decision lay with the Khagan.Instead of killing the child, he ordered that Tayang Qalli be stripped of his rights to live amongst his tribe and he should be banished from the Steppe. At this point in time - Tayang was but merely 2 years old and barely able to comprehend what was going on. Instead of letting the Oronir dump him with the Domans or throw him into Hingashi, Tayang was provided a guardian who was Yesuntei's betrothed. He took care of Tayang up until they reached the shores of Eorzea where he was abandoned to a mother in Limsa Lominsa. Given Tayang's interesting story and the fact that she knew nothing about Xaela culture or their names, she decided to give him a new name, one of her choosing.

Life in Limsa Lominsa

The Hyur woman Camielle had been a widow when her husband died in the events following Carteneau. She would eventually start to call Tayang by his new name, Raffin. Raffin's name was simply meant Surf-kissed as he was brought to Camielle by way of the sea. From a young age, Raffin was always laughed at for his bizarre appearance considering no one else in Limsa had horns like his. Not only was it rare for an Au Ra child to be amongst the locals but a Xaela was especially rare.Growing up though, Raffin found that the friends he made simply used his friendship to serve their own means. "Let's slay the dragon and become heroes!" They would shout and Raffin would sigh because often times, he would be the dragon. Though he felt distant, Raffin seemed to find his own solace when Camielle introduced him to Piano. She found that he began to play with a true melancholy that reminded her of her love lost at Carteneau.Slowly, the laughter and the jeers from his friends turned into resentment and envy as Raffin grew taller like most of the Roegadyns but his frame seemed slight and slender. What irritated them most was that Raffin began to charm people with his song and music. His songs would bring hushes to the crowds and would ultimately make him a central attraction at gatherings. One such instance caused a young woman who was being courted by an Ishgardian nobleman to lose interest and led to Raffin being threatened to have the horns on his head torn off so he would never hear again and his tongue cut out so he might never sing again.Though trouble seemed to follow Raffin, the worst came when one night in a moment of weakness Camielle threw herself at Raffin, begging him to make her forget her late husband. Not only did this catch Raffin by surprise but he found himself being driven from home. With no one left to turn to, Raffin fell into depression and was making ends meet by simply going from place to place where he would not sing but work for meager wages. It wasn't until he bumped into a smith with the Blacksmith Guild that he finally took something up for more than a day.Following his taking to the hammer, Raffin began to take to fishing as he found his craft was very poor and unrefined. Learning to fish seemed to provide some solace to Raffin as he found himself alone most days and would fish on a boat or from a wharf.

A chance meeting - The Elder Xaela

With his life once again starting to turn back upwards, Raffin travelled to Moraby Drydocks, where he met another Xaela. The man simply thrust his peculiar curved weapon at Raffin and upon taking it the Xaela left. From then on, Raffin kept the Tachi for sentimental purposes. It was around this time that he selected his last name. Henceforth known as Raffin Woglinde, Raffin left Moraby to his future.With accepting his new name, Raffin finally seemed to come to terms with the many losses in his life. He never knew his father, his tribe abandoned him, his mother had to exile him, his adopted mother had disowned him. He was now without attachments and was presented with a clean slate. Hoping to write his own story, and one day right the wrongs of his past - Raffin accepted this all willingly.


RP Hooks:RK Open Arena (Sunday nights) - Discussing Katana or Z will tend to get his attention.Au Ra Lore - mentioning any tribe from the Steppe will likely get his attention - He hates the Oronir with a passion however.Lominsan Lay - a name given to him by most of the people who listened to him when he used to perform regularly at the Drowned Wench.Way of the Blade - Raffin will spar people who study the way of the blade or the style of the Gunblade to hone his skills.834th Irregular - Raffin's role in the Eorzean conflict against Garlemald has been limited as he serves with the Immortal Flames or did...These days no one knows what became of Immortal Flames Captain Tayang Qalli.

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Hi there!
I'm a designer living in the US the specializes in Architectural work by day. By night, I enjoy FFXIV and multiple other games.
How did I get into XIV? My first Final Fantasy that I dabbled into was FF8. I spent weeks grinding the storyline, learning the ins and outs of the game until I cleared it and when it ended, I seemed to fall into that pit of...well what now? Many years later, I fell into FFXIV.I tend to really enjoy writing and learning about the lore of a character simply because there's a lot to jump into as you invest in each character. If I nerd out a little because you spike my interest in a backstory, don't be surprised I really enjoy it.I RP on both discord and in-game but in-game is my favorite simply because it helps me feel more in character - I'm dabbling with gposing and getting better so if I ask sometimes I will share photos and get your input.Writing Style typically tends to be all over the place but generally I match my partner/partners and will write 3rd person. Always. I do prefer long posts of 1-3 paragraphs or more that are engaging and help describe anything from chat, thoughts, the general feeling/vibe someone has and of course the action involved.With Bartending and hyping, I tend to free-hand it a lot. I take time to craft the action you see unfolding or the message that I want to get out for people who walk in because you'd be surprised how many people enter and leave as they don't even get noticed. When it comes to gambling, I'll be a little more conversational and do less with my actions/emotes.With NSFW, I am very descriptive and I would hope engaging in that it's no fun to see single line/few line responses, I will often try to draw out more by encouraging more with my style. Consent is obviously king so I will never push ways people don't want to go unless they allow it. I have usually topped but on the rare occasion that I don't, I will follow another person's lead if they would prefer it.

KATANA - The First Born

Katana is simply known as the first born of the Shades (Separate entities and consciousnesses caused from splintering an Elder Eikon). Though his weapon of choice is a dead giveaway from his name - Katana is the type that people would do well to avoid as he's very cold and calculating.Katana suffers few to challenge his authority and suffers far fewer to question him. Though the presence inhabits the body of an Au Ra in the likeness of Z - the Eikon that was split across 8 entities. Upon gathering the 8 individual Shades to Urth's Fount, Katana began sending them to cause chaos to prevent the rejoining.Following the revelation that Atelese was manipulating the Shades, Katana began to question why he was doing what he was doing. He began to reject the orders, causing Atelese to try to persuade him through threatening his presence and existence.Once he encountered Z and fought him a few times, Z would eventually present Katana with an offer. To exchange the existence of his youngest "Brother" and some of his Aether in exchange for allowing him to exist. Though Katana was most Aetherically like Z, his youngest brother - Sword was most like Z in body. When Katana relented his Aethersight from his right eye faded and Katana took on a type of heterochromia where his left eye retained the blue limbal ring while his right eye remained a solid amber.Following sometime, Z began to count on Katana as insurance for when he was unable to adventure. This would lead to a fateful encounter with an individual known as Oma who would inadvertently cause Katana to become plagued by Aetheric poisoning - when he was thrown into a remnant of crystalized aether left by the Dreadwyrm, Bahamut. Though the Elder Primal had been corrupted by the Allagans, Katana was no less susceptible to the corruption and began to suffer. The blue on his scales come from Bahamut's Aether as it slowly corrupts Katana and subsequently the host body that he inhabits.With his aether depleted, Katana began to lose control of his element of "Surf" which caused him to collapse. Katana now remains dormant in the body he inhabits while drawing in aether from both Z and Bahamut.